Friday, April 30, 2010
Exam been postponed to next next week. :|
hmm~... it doesn't makes me feel better or anything, do you?
Entahla... sy pun x tau pa lgi mo bt. Yg penting asalkan sy lulus dlm ni exam semester 1, kalo x., entahla...
Aim for this smstr exam:
I didn't expect much.., all I want is just to pass all the subjects especially those with the mark ' * '
I do want to get A+ in my result but, it just seem too much.. so, I guess I'll just hope for A instead of A+
p/s wish me luck in my exam.., who know~ maybe your wish might will give me some charm to get A+.. haha xD
hmm~... it doesn't makes me feel better or anything, do you?
Entahla... sy pun x tau pa lgi mo bt. Yg penting asalkan sy lulus dlm ni exam semester 1, kalo x., entahla...
Aim for this smstr exam:
I didn't expect much.., all I want is just to pass all the subjects especially those with the mark ' * '
I do want to get A+ in my result but, it just seem too much.. so, I guess I'll just hope for A instead of A+
p/s wish me luck in my exam.., who know~ maybe your wish might will give me some charm to get A+.. haha xD
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Things had change..
Just so you know, my English teacher had move or I don't know what.. I just knew it earlier, where we were suppose to had English class with her, not with the guy who can't really pronounce the word 'fog' correctly or he just doesn't know how to read it. -___- why the hell on earth are the new English teacher pronounce the word 'Fog' as 'Frog' ?!! I was like WHAT ??? what did he just said?! fog or frog?? Then you know what?.. He continues to read the text from the textbook and suddenly ask : 'you guys know what is frog?' -.-' nobody answered his question. Then, he continue and say : 'you know.... frog... the one that jump.. jump?'
what a lame~... I said in my thought. -.-'
About my previous English teacher, she was way much better then the new one. Maybe she is a bit firm or strict, but I like the way she teach us... and the words that she always use; certain-certain, if you know what i mean, chaos, miserable and so on... If I'm not mistaken, one of my friend(the class monitor) said, she had moved to works in the office... huh?? I didn't exactly know what was the reason she had move or where did she moved even why did she move.. it was never been told specifically and explicitly so.. no one have any idea why did she move.. neither do you, but maybe later we will find out the reason why. haha =)
For the record, I like the way my previous English teacher teach our class more than the way the new one teach us.. The way she teach us was way sooo much different then the way the new teacher.. I rather been teach by a strict teacher than having a teacher that was -.-? hmm~(there's no any specific word could be use to describe the new English teacher).
Actually, the new English teacher that I'm sayin' about is not really a new teacher for our school. He been teaching at the school for maybe a few years or I don't know how long he'd been teaching at the school, because I don't even care about that.. I did saw him before, around the school but he never teach us or came in our class.. He is a new teacher for me.
Another thing that I want to share about; how do you pronounce the word 'monster'? it is just a simple word isn't it ?? my new English teacher Mr. H.... pronounce it as 'muoser'
-.-' wtf
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
hmmm~.... *sigh*
One more week....... err..., or I suppose to said few more days?? -.-' nah.. never-mind, nobody even care about that. haha xD
Back to the 'headline', few more days then the first semester exam will be start. What should I do?? huh? study? do some revision? wtf?
(I hate the subject not the teacher, don't get me wrong about it.)
p/s don't forget to pray for me =), may God bless you ^_^
One more week....... err..., or I suppose to said few more days?? -.-' nah.. never-mind, nobody even care about that. haha xD
Back to the 'headline', few more days then the first semester exam will be start. What should I do?? huh? study? do some revision? wtf?
Let just hope that I'm not gonna fail any subjects especially PHYSIC !!
I HATE PHYSIC SOOOOO DAMN MUCH !! (I hate the subject not the teacher, don't get me wrong about it.)
p/s don't forget to pray for me =), may God bless you ^_^
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
15 April 2010

here's some pic of the traditional music instruments player playing the traditional instruments during the school ceremony of best student award.
(I'm too lazy to rephrase the sentences even-though, i know that the sentences was kinda wrong ) =P
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Krakkkkk~.............................. ??..............!! o.O My flute just broke =/
I'm having such a bad day, on yesterday (Monday).
After school, my friends & I went to the music class for our practicing session(fyi I play flute) for the school ceremony of best student awards, which will be held on this Thursday at our school hall.
I was at school since 6.40 am-5.00 pm, 6.40am - 1.40pm were studying session then 2.00pm - 5.00pm were our music practicing session. It was quiet tiring, but it's also fun because I be able to participating in the music activities that have lot of excitement.
After practice, we go back home. Before we headed back home, my friends and I went to the Restaurant Selamat to get some food. We take a mini bus to go to Tamparuli town and it cost RM 0.50 as usual. When we arrived at the town, we get out from the bus one by one but, Suddenly, when it was my turn to get out of the bus I felt like something on my bag were stuck at the bus door. I don't know what it is.., then without thinking of anything I just pull myself out of the bus as hard as I could. On that time, before my foot even touch the ground, Suddenly.....................................
Krakkkkkkk~.............................. o.O??.......!!
Then I said:'Arghh... what's that ?!
Arghhh.......!! once again, but this time a little bit louder. My FLUTE!! It was broke ='/
Without realizing, my flute was the 'thing' that stuck on the bus door earlier. When I pull myself out of the bus it had cause my flute fell from my bag and broke when hitting the ground.(it was a bamboo flute)
Right on the moment, I was speechless.. not knowing what should i said.Then, I just pay the bus fares and headed to the restaurant to get something to eat and back home.
I don't know why this is happening, maybe I'm just having a bad day that's all, or otherwise I don't know what.. and now I'm speechless AGAIN..
I'm not really sure about the language that I've just use to write about those above, but yeah.. whatever~ I don't have a brainstorming idea to use high level English to express my feeling about everything, so I guess if you can't understand just leave it and pretend to understand(if you know what i mean) ;P
I'm having such a bad day, on yesterday (Monday).
After school, my friends & I went to the music class for our practicing session(fyi I play flute) for the school ceremony of best student awards, which will be held on this Thursday at our school hall.
I was at school since 6.40 am-5.00 pm, 6.40am - 1.40pm were studying session then 2.00pm - 5.00pm were our music practicing session. It was quiet tiring, but it's also fun because I be able to participating in the music activities that have lot of excitement.
After practice, we go back home. Before we headed back home, my friends and I went to the Restaurant Selamat to get some food. We take a mini bus to go to Tamparuli town and it cost RM 0.50 as usual. When we arrived at the town, we get out from the bus one by one but, Suddenly, when it was my turn to get out of the bus I felt like something on my bag were stuck at the bus door. I don't know what it is.., then without thinking of anything I just pull myself out of the bus as hard as I could. On that time, before my foot even touch the ground, Suddenly.....................................
Krakkkkkkk~.............................. o.O??.......!!
Then I said:'Arghh... what's that ?!
Arghhh.......!! once again, but this time a little bit louder. My FLUTE!! It was broke ='/
Without realizing, my flute was the 'thing' that stuck on the bus door earlier. When I pull myself out of the bus it had cause my flute fell from my bag and broke when hitting the ground.(it was a bamboo flute)
Right on the moment, I was speechless.. not knowing what should i said.Then, I just pay the bus fares and headed to the restaurant to get something to eat and back home.
I don't know why this is happening, maybe I'm just having a bad day that's all, or otherwise I don't know what.. and now I'm speechless AGAIN..
I'm not really sure about the language that I've just use to write about those above, but yeah.. whatever~ I don't have a brainstorming idea to use high level English to express my feeling about everything, so I guess if you can't understand just leave it and pretend to understand(if you know what i mean) ;P
Sunday, April 11, 2010
why am i still sitting in front of this computer and typing ? isn't that this is the time where I suppose to be sleeping right now instead of still sitting in front of the computer ?? -_-'
btw good night.. err.., actually it is morning already la.. lol xD
btw good night.. err.., actually it is morning already la.. lol xD
Would you teach me how to skate?
Beside wanting to learn how to play a guitar. I also wanna learn how to skate.
I do know how to skate but, I'm just not really good at it. =)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I wanna learn how to play guitar so bad..
Arghh.. I really wanna learn how to play a guitar soo bad..
It doesn't matter whether it's a electric guitar or acoustic guitar, i just wanna learn how to play a guitar. It would be pleasure if my parents send me to take a guitar lesson at the school-rock academy
I'm soo fvcking jealous every times when I saw my friends holding a guitar, flicking his finger on the strings then simply tunning a beautiful melody that always could take my heart away. arghh.. ='( I can't imagine it anymore, it was way too amazing to describe all of those situation in words, it was more then MARVELOUS!!
The way how he plays the guitar are stuck in my thought forever, every time when I heard the sound of guitar been play it always remind me of him and makes me feel sorry for my self because I don't know how to play a guitar. Not only that, but the way how the electric guitar been play also catch my heart away every time I hear. Such as, the sound of electric guitars at the Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God song.. I just love all about guitars. No matter its acoustic, bass, electric or any of it.. I just in love with it <3
p/s it would be MARVELOUS if I could have my own guitar any play any songs that I want to =]
It doesn't matter whether it's a electric guitar or acoustic guitar, i just wanna learn how to play a guitar. It would be pleasure if my parents send me to take a guitar lesson at the school-rock academy
I'm soo fvcking jealous every times when I saw my friends holding a guitar, flicking his finger on the strings then simply tunning a beautiful melody that always could take my heart away. arghh.. ='( I can't imagine it anymore, it was way too amazing to describe all of those situation in words, it was more then MARVELOUS!!
The way how he plays the guitar are stuck in my thought forever, every time when I heard the sound of guitar been play it always remind me of him and makes me feel sorry for my self because I don't know how to play a guitar. Not only that, but the way how the electric guitar been play also catch my heart away every time I hear. Such as, the sound of electric guitars at the Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God song.. I just love all about guitars. No matter its acoustic, bass, electric or any of it.. I just in love with it <3
p/s it would be MARVELOUS if I could have my own guitar any play any songs that I want to =]
another hair
I love the hair...
Mcm sy jeles ja ohh nmpk tu rmbt, lawa kan?? =D
sy rsa mcm sy x mo gunting lgi la ni rmbt sy skg, sy mo kasi pnjang. haha..
Friday, April 9, 2010
Just Read
Hi there,
here's a story of my life..
don't think or judge, just read it
When I was at school , my friends always assume that I was the girl that who seemed to have it all. You know the type: 'the girl who has everything' a perfect life and always get whatever she want/ever ask for..
The truth is, though, that you can't tell much about a person just by a simple glance. It's all assumption. But what if you could go deeper, and really get to know the person who has everything? What you find out will surprise you.
My life wasn't as perfect as what you've thought, maybe i'm kinda spoiled little bratz because I'm the youngest one in my family.. but I didn't always get what I want. I need to work-hard to get any thing that I ever ask or wish for from my parents. They don't just give me something without a reason because it would seem ridiculous, it will be unfair with my other siblings if my parents just give me something without a reason instead of giving them(my other siblings). (if you know exactly what i mean )
But most of all, every time when I'm havin' problem.. I never show it to anyone or tell anyone because I find it, it's hard for me to express my feeling or explain what is goin' on with me.. Sometimes I also tend to lied so that it wont change a thing such as when someone ask me : 'are you okay?' I would answered: ' yeah, sure..I'm fine' with the smile in my face even-though actually I'm not okay.. I'm hate to told the truth about my feelings and problem that I have.. :/ Being honest about my feeling with others or myself was kind of hard for me to do. Which was the hardest thing of all for me to do.
I'm stuck... hanging, with no resolution
What can I say? You don't know how hard I've struggle for my life, with those heavy years that I've been trough since I was a little.. dealing with soo many drama, crisis and whatsoever it is. Maybe that's how life plays out, the reality of life that I have to live with. But the most important things is, you can't tell much about a person just by a simple glance., don't judge or think about people before you get to know them better.
Maybe one day you'll know how I felt, about my life..
life must go on
here's a story of my life..
don't think or judge, just read it
When I was at school , my friends always assume that I was the girl that who seemed to have it all. You know the type: 'the girl who has everything' a perfect life and always get whatever she want/ever ask for..
The truth is, though, that you can't tell much about a person just by a simple glance. It's all assumption. But what if you could go deeper, and really get to know the person who has everything? What you find out will surprise you.
My life wasn't as perfect as what you've thought, maybe i'm kinda spoiled little bratz because I'm the youngest one in my family.. but I didn't always get what I want. I need to work-hard to get any thing that I ever ask or wish for from my parents. They don't just give me something without a reason because it would seem ridiculous, it will be unfair with my other siblings if my parents just give me something without a reason instead of giving them(my other siblings). (if you know exactly what i mean )
But most of all, every time when I'm havin' problem.. I never show it to anyone or tell anyone because I find it, it's hard for me to express my feeling or explain what is goin' on with me.. Sometimes I also tend to lied so that it wont change a thing such as when someone ask me : 'are you okay?' I would answered: ' yeah, sure..I'm fine' with the smile in my face even-though actually I'm not okay.. I'm hate to told the truth about my feelings and problem that I have.. :/ Being honest about my feeling with others or myself was kind of hard for me to do. Which was the hardest thing of all for me to do.
I'm stuck... hanging, with no resolution
What can I say? You don't know how hard I've struggle for my life, with those heavy years that I've been trough since I was a little.. dealing with soo many drama, crisis and whatsoever it is. Maybe that's how life plays out, the reality of life that I have to live with. But the most important things is, you can't tell much about a person just by a simple glance., don't judge or think about people before you get to know them better.
Maybe one day you'll know how I felt, about my life..
life must go on
that's part of my Nicholas Sparks novels collection...
those are my favorite one.. now i searching for the novel of dear john by Nicholas sparks :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
doomsday !!
3 more weeks.. then, the first semester exam will be start xD
if you know what i mean ;P
if you know what i mean ;P
Monday, April 5, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
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