Time go by past, passing without telling that the end of year are coming close.. so do the 2nd semester exam. Without realizing that day by day, class by class, skip by skip, there are so many others thing that I haven't done yet before facing the ends of this year..
BTW I accidentally heard a song on the radio been played (Saleem - Tinggal Kenangan), and it remind/recall me of the memories while I still live at Lahad Datu. Entahlah sejak bila juga yang saya minta lagu2 c Saleem tapi yang sy tau semua lagu2 yg mcam tu mesti akan membuatkan sy tringat balik semua kenangan tentang masa dulu2, kalo bukan lagu c Saleem mesti lagu2 lama yg popular di awal tahun 2000 & 2001 dan di sekitar tahun 1998 & 1999..
(Makin lama makin cacat english saya -.-' semuanya pasal C.Hxxxx la tu wtf pnya ckgu )
p/s: sorry for those any grammar error and any broken language... i seriously need to improve my English and start improving it now -.-