Now that I'm in college, I still kinda sorta have no idea what was really going on with my life
Am I doing it right? Did I made a wrong decision? Did I choose the right pathway? Will I be regret with the decision that I've made? Am I going to keep hanging on wondering what if I choose it differently? I'm full of curiosity..
Discrimination happened everywhere every-time anywhere you are, just because they said they are opened-minded doesn't mean they really are! It's a LIE. Maybe some of them doesn't really show it and you can't really tell that if they're discriminator or not because they really good at hiding it, which are great hypocrite yet deep sown inside in the bottom of their heart actually THEY ARE JUDGING YOU BASED ON YOUR GRADES, TEST & EXAMINATION MARKS!
Basically my life is pretty good right now.. I got love I got life and that's enough for now. Keep on having faith; we feel sorrow we feel pain but there's sunshine after rain. I'm alright to believe in that.
All I want to say for now is just thank you.
you were mine once :)
ALYS means; Just in case if you'e been wondering for so long.
Thank you for nothing